New Research Reveals Importance Of Anti-Mullerian Hormone


New Research Reveals Importance Of Anti-Mullerian Hormone

Highlights From the American Society For Reproductive Medicine’s 2023 Scientific Congress

New Orleans, LA – Research presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Scientific Congress pointed out the important role that anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) plays not just in fertility but in other areas of health as well.

Researchers from Ovation Fertility and others examined the relationship between AMH and the results of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments. This study examined over 800 ART cycles from 3 different locations. Their work found a very significant difference between patients with an AMH value of less than one and those with higher scores. The Higher AMD groups had higher numbers of eggs retrieved and a higher number of healthy embryos going to the blastocyst stage.

A group out of Scotland looked at the impact of AMH with natural conception. Analyzing data from over 3000 women trying to conceive but not undergoing fertility treatment. Using home-based tests to measure hormone levels, including AMH, they found that lower AMH levels were associated with a reduced chance of natural conception.

Finally, a Boston-based team looked at AMH levels beyond just reproductive capacity. Their work utilized a database that followed nearly 500 women for over a decade. Measuring blood hormone levels in 2003-2006 and Bone Density measures in 2017-2021. They found that higher AMH levels during reproductive years were associated with higher Bone Mineral Density and lower bone turnover markers measured later.

“These kinds of studies are extremely valuable as we continue to learn more about the role of AMH not just in reproduction, but throughout a woman’s life.” Said Steve Young, MD, President of the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

  • O-9 Sun et al “Low Anti-Mullerian Hormone Significantly related to low number of total blastocysts and Euploid Blastocyst Development”\
  • O-82 Nelson et al “Anti-Mullerian Hormone levels are associated with chance of natural conception”
  • O-185 Associations of Anti-Mullerian Hormone in Mid-reproductive years with bone mineral density and bone turnover markers during midlife: a longitudinal study.

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