ASRM 2022 Daily Recap, Wednesday, October 26

Look Back on ASRM 2022 Scientific Congress & Expo
Thank you for making ASRM 2022 Scientific Congress & Expo a success!
Over 4,000 multidisciplinary professionals from around the world attended our first fully in-person Congress since Covid. At the President’s Gala and After Party, we raised $455,000 for the Center for Policy and Leadership, and at our second annual Giving Day, you supported access to care research by raising over $30,000 for the ASRM Research Institute. This year, we were excited to offer attendees numerous new ways to connect and learn, including the Business of Medicine track, ASRMed Talks, Live QBoost, and the All In Reception. ASRM 2022 featured many topics discussing improving access to care and diversity within the reproductive medicine field. The pilot Pipeline Mentorship Program in partnership with Charles Drew School of Medicine was a success.
At the annual Members’ Meeting, the transition of power was completed to new ASRM President Dr. Michael Thomas. The Expo floor was electric with great conversations between vendors and attendees. The Poster Hall featured 660 posters, and 272 oral and 17 video abstracts were presented.
Click here to see photos from ASRM 2022!