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Level Up Your Nursing Skills with the ASRM 2024 Nurses Clinical Sessions!

Calling all nurses dedicated to reproductive medicine! Elevate your knowledge and clinical expertise with the NPG Clinical sessions at the ASRM 2024 Scientific Congress & Expo.

Sharpen Your Skills, Enhance Patient Care, and Build Your Career

These clinical sessions, held Monday through Wednesday, October 21-23 from 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM, provide a unique opportunity to:

  • Deepen your understanding of the latest advancements and best practices in reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI).
  • Gain valuable insights from leading REI nurse experts and practitioners.
  • Explore innovative approaches to patient care and communication within the REI field.
  • Network with colleagues from across the country and share best practices.

Here’s a glimpse of the exciting sessions you can expect:

  • Monday, October 21: “NPG: Make Every Minute Count!”– This course will look at digital tools used to connect, create, and increase productivity. Learn tips for all staff in the clinic related to email, goal setting, and getting the most out of the technology offered in the medical setting. This course will also review ways to incorporate mindfulness and focus into your daily life to help achieve a healthy work/life balance.
  • Tuesday, October 22: “Managing Patient Expectations”– Patients often enter treatment with unrealistic expectations regarding the timeline to and probability of success, costs of treatment, and amount of time their REI will be able to spend with them resulting in poor patient satisfaction and drop-out. This multidisciplinary course focuses on enhancing patient experience through setting realistic expectations, creating opportunities for REIs to connect with their patients, and providing empathetic financial counseling. Tools for measuring patient satisfaction will also be discussed.
  • Wednesday, October 23: “REI Nursing Competencies- National and International Perspectives”– In this session you will: develop a better understanding of the role of the REI Nurse, gain a deeper understanding of national standards and competencies in REI Nursing, and gain a deeper understanding of international standards and competencies in REI Nursing.

More Nursing Courses

Check out the full list of sessions in the nursing category and save your spot today to join a vibrant community of nursing professionals committed to improving patient outcomes in the field of REI.