As someone in the field of reproductive health, you know how crucial it is to keep up with the latest in research, tech, and trends. But convincing your boss to invest in your growth, like going to the ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo, can be a tough sell. Yet, it’s a golden chance to boost your skills, expand your network, and uncover new opportunities. Your attendance is also an investment in the success of your clinic or organization.
The ASRM Scientific Congress offers a considerable amount of CME credits and various CE credits to benefit multiple practice staff roles.
I can collaborate with my peers through the conference app, special events, and learning sessions. Growing my network gives me exposure to people with different backgrounds and areas of expertise that I can share ideas with throughout the year.
I will learn about new tools and technologies that can streamline my work and help me achieve my goals more effectively. This experience will provide learning that deepens my understanding of the job and inspires me to grow and develop in my role.