Expand Your Impact on Global Reproductive Health at ASRM 2024
Take a global approach with our global-health-focused sessions. Collaborating with our international partners and societies, we are excited to bring these twelve sessions to you.
Postgraduate sessions require additional registration.
- MEFS: Recurrent Implantation Failure: Is it Time for Consensus on ‘Consensus Statements’?
- AMMR and ALMER: Integration of Precision Medicine in Reproduction: From Gametes to the Endometrium (in Spanish)
- TSRM: Fine Tuning Frozen Embryo Transfers
- IFS and ISAR: “Fertile Horizons- Mastering Ovulation Induction for ART Success”
- ESHRE: Genetic Testing in Assisted Reproduction
Plenary Lecture:
Keynote Lecture:
SSR Keynote Lecture: Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Female Reproductive Aging
Symposia Sessions:
- AMMR: Assisted Reproduction and Sexual Diversity (SPANISH)
- ESHRE: Polygenic Embryo Scores (PES)
- MEFS: Artificial Intelligence in ART: Concepts, Applications and Regulations
- CFAS: Microbiotas, Biomarkers, and Endometriosis
- KSRM: Innovative Treatment Approaches for Ovarian Dysfunction
- WHO/ASRM: Strengthening Infertility on the Global Health Agenda: A Joint WHO/ASRM Symposium